Monday, June 1, 2009

Save Your TM Magazines

Do you just throw your old Toastmaster magazine away after you read it? Is there a way we could use these old issues to increase membership and awareness in our club? Here are some suggestions I read about:
  • Put a sticker over the address part with your club info and distribute (with permission) to doctor's offices, dentists, car repair waiting rooms, etc.
  • Give them to someone helping to build a new club.
  • Insert club information, pamphlets, and an application form and hand them out to the potential members at meetings.
  • Leave them on tables wherever you eat lunch.

Any other suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Recruiting Ideas, put club contact label on them as you suggested and:

    Leave copies at the Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce

    Leave copies at both Boca Raton public libraries and the Palm Beach County library locations in Boca Raton

    Leave copies at FAU & PBCC

    As a club resource, keep copies for new members so they can browse them if they want to.
